
162 Game Reviews

50 w/ Responses

It's really well made. I enjoyed playing it. Though I'd like to see a more original setting for the game. Given the popularity of the Gibbets games it would have been cool if this had been in a different era of time, or if there was some form of story to enhance the gameplay. Adding new arrow types was definitely a good idea.

I really like this game and the concept. But it would be loads better if you could undo moves rather than having to start from scratch any time you make a mistake.

semiPerfection responds:

Your exactly right, I've updated the game to allow you to undo moves. (Press 'E' or 'U' to undo a move). Thanks for playing!

This appears to just be a re-skin of Smokin' Barrels. It would be much better if there was some form of new content to make it it's own game.

I think the concept is cool. But when it asks you to make choices like who to assassinate or to support/refute someone's claim you should really be able to look at the trust stats first.

theMRI responds:

Thank you very much for the suggestion, I will implement that.

The only thing that shows up is a screen explaining that this game is stolen with a link to the NG home page.

FuzzyMint responds:

Hey there, Sorry about that, I messed up on the sitelock -- Should work fine now :) enjoy

I really like this game. The artwork is great, it's a really solid pi-cross game. Though I wish you could disable the custom cursor. The cursor moves very slowly to the point where it's not enjoyable to play. It seems to be a common problem with Flash that custom cursors move slowly. It doesn't happen in any other apps and my computer's more than powerful enough for the game.

BeardshakerGames responds:

Thanks for your feedback, and also thank you for pointing out the custom cursor issue. We will keep that in mind for our next production. :)

This is a really cool game. Though the controls feel a bit under-responsive.

It's a cool concept. Though I think you should tweak how the words are chosen because I seemed to keep getting the same four or five words. You should also include a mute button.

It's such a simple premise but it's fun and a bit tricky.

This is a very cool concept. I quite enjoy it. Though I would like to be able to use A/D instead of right/left.

Chris @pirateplatypus

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